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Humid and hot most of the time.

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Q: What is weather like in the Texas coastal plains?
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What is the weather like in coastal plain?

Weather in areas of coastal plains is mild throughout the year. It is not too cold in the winter and not too hot in the summer.

What is the weather of the coastal plain?

What is the weather like in Coastal in Plain

What is the vegetation in coastal plains in Texas?

the natural vegetation in Texas is like elm tree trees, hickory trees, various types of oal trees and etc.

What is the land like in the coastal plains?


What was life like on the coastal plains?

It was good life.

What is the weather like in Jamaica in July?

well since Jamaica is pretty much coastal, i would guess the weather would be coastal weather.

What are the landforms like in the great plains of Texas?

platues,canyons,and high plains.

What is the climate like in Texas rolling plains?

64.5F is the average temperature of the rolling plains

One major difference between coastal plains and interior plains are?

The Coastal plain is different from an interior plain because a coastal plain lies along the sea coast. Coastal plains also have low relief. The interior plain lies away from the coast and the elevation can vary. Coastal plains are normally damper than interior plains. Interior plains have more chances for drought conditions as well. One result of the differences is population. More likely than not, coastal plains are population centers.

Why do marshes form the gulf coastal plains?

because they form stuff like landforms and stuff like that

What is the vegetation like in the Coastal Plains?

it's marsh and it smells really really bad

What is the weather like in the great plains?

The weather in the Great Plains is seasonal. Summer months are generally warm while winter months are cold and snowy.