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The dream reflects your old emotional habits, as well as doubts and lack of confidence in yourself. However, if you know that the relationship was very bad, and made your decision to break up based on clear thinking, then you should not allow dreams to change your mind. Dreams are influenced by feelings, and your feelings will gradually adjust to your better judgment.

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Q: What it means when you dream of going back to a relationship that was very bad?
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It generally means going backward in attitudes or morals.It means in statistics is going back, stepping towards an average.Average relationship between two or more variables.

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It means you really like the idea of going back to that time or that you would like to visit the past.

What does it mean when you dream you and your ex boyfriend get back together every time you dream him?

Most likely it means that you have some unresolved feelings for him. It may not mean that you should or will get back together, but that a part of you still misses him or the relationship. It could be that you are lonely and want a familiar sense of comfort (even if the relationship was not very good, it is what you know). (Hard to elaborate beyond that without relationship details...which I am not asking you to divulge on this site btw.)

What does it mean of a dream that you are going back home?

Well, it means that you need to go to where you started and continue with life from there.

What does it mean when you dream of your ex sleeping?

When you dream of your ex sleeping it could mean something but most likely it is just a dream , unless you want your ex back, then it is most likely you aren't over him/ her.

What does it mean if you dream your ex hated you?

it means you had a bad dream, now go back to sleep and dream nice things!

What does it mean when you dream about your ex husband that you divorced due to abuser and the dream was i went back to him?

It means you want him back, but you have this feeling that you can't have him back. Do you get what i'm saying?

What does it mean when you dream your boyfriend got somebody pregnant while you were separated and in the dream you regret getting back together with him?

This dream strongly suggests that the dreamer has serious doubts about the relationship.

If you and a guy was together for sometime and broke up at several occasions and got back together what does that means is he the one for you?

No. It means that there are some issues in the relationship that definitely need addressed, or else the relationship is going to come to the same conclusion again (breaking up). That's definitely not a sign of a healthy relationship.

How do you fix the relationship?

By going back to the way you started off.