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Q: What languages are spoken by Yoruba people?
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What is the traditional language of the Yoruba people?

It is also called Yoruba. It is currently spoken by about 20 million people.

What languages are spoken by Khoikhoi people?

The Khoikhoi people speak Khoi, one of Khoisan languages--the Khoisan languages are the click languages--spoken in Southern Africa.

How many language are spoken in Nigeria?

Answer:There are a total of 521 languages spoken in Nigeria. 510 are living languages, two second languages and 9 languages that are extinct.Answer:There are 4 recognised languages. It's official language is English. It's regional languages are Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba.107

In which country is Yoruba spoken?

Yoruba is spoken in Nigeria, Togo, and Benin.At least 3 countries speak Yoruba, these are Nigeria, Togo Benin

Is English spoken in Nigeria?

English is the official language of Nigeria. Certain local languages are also recognised, notably Huasa Igbo and Yoruba.

In what country is Yoruba spoken?

Yoruba is primarily spoken in Nigeria, as well as in some parts of Benin and Togo. It is one of the most widely spoken languages in West Africa, with over 20 million speakers globally.

How many languages were spoken Aboriginal People?

The Aboriginals had many languages.

What languages were spoken by Beothuk people?

There is no record of the language(s) spoken by the ancient Beothuk people.

What are spoken languages?

Spoken languages are languages that are spoken by people for communication. They involve vocalization and sound production to convey meaning, as opposed to written languages, which use visual symbols for communication. There are thousands of spoken languages used around the world.

What languages were spoken by the southern colonies?

People speak all languages from Europe

What are the main languages spoken by Caucasians?

If you are referring to the languages spoken by people who live in the Caucasus mountains, then those languages would be Azerbaijani, Armenian, Georgian and Russian.