

Best Answer

Here are the number of countries representing each literacy rate (rounded to integers):

  • 100%: 7
  • 99%: 21
  • 98%: 3
  • 97%: 3
  • 96%: 1
  • 95%: 1
  • 92%: 1
  • 89%: 1
  • Unknown: 8
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Q: What level is the literacy rate in Europe?
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What is Europe literacy rate?


What is the literacy rate for Ukraine?

The literacy rate in Ukraine is approximately 99.8%, indicating a high level of education and literacy among its population.

What does litaracy rate mean?

The literacy rate is the percentage of people who can read at a designated level. In the US, the literacy rate usually refers to those who can read at or above the 8th grade level.

Portugal literacy rate?

The literacy rate of Portuguese population is 93%.

What is the literacy rate for Oklahoma?

The literacy rate for Oklahoma 43 percent read at a 7th grade level. Another 31 percent read at a 4th grade level or lower.

If the literacy rate is low in a country what will their death rate be?

Literacy rate is a measure of the level of development in a country- seen as education is pivotal in developing your country. Therefore, countries with a low literacy rate will be more likely to have higher death rates than those with higher literacy rates.

What is the literacy rate in Florida?

The literacy rate of Florida is approximately 80 percent. This means that 8 out of 10 adults in the state can read at a basic level.

What is the literacy rate of Alaska?

There has not been a specific number determined as the literacy rate of Alaska. However, it has been reported that around eleven percent of the Alaskan population functions at the lowest level of literacy according to the Literacy Council of Alaska.

What was the literacy rate in China in 1900?

average as the rest of Europe. No statistics as figure is available for 1900

In western Europe a longterm effect of the invention of Gutenberg's printing press was that the?

Literacy rate increased

What is the literacy rate in kerala?

Kerala = 90% and recently attaining the maximum literacy level of 100 percent.(88% to women, 94% to men)

Literacy rate of maharashtra?

literacy rate of maharashtra is 77.27% male literacy rate is 86.2% female 67.5%