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LCD TV screens weigh less and use less energy than plasma TV screens, but plasma has better picture and colors. LCD screens are thinner than plasma screens as well.

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Q: What makes a 55 inch LCD TV better than a plasma?
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How big is a forty two inch plasma bracket?

one inch larger than the 41 inch plasma bracket

Why is lcd better for computer monitors than plasma monitors?

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Are plasma tv recievers better than LCD?

No most people consider lcd tvs better than plasma tvs. Plasma tvs are harder to fix than lcd tvs. Lcd tvs also have a clearer picture than plasma tvs do.

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17 inch wheels are better than 16 inch .as,17 >16. They are better as they have greater area in contact with road providing better contact force.Hence 17 inch are better than 16 inch beacuse they provide greater stability.

Is an lcd tv better than a plasma tv?

LCD TV's last longer than plasma TV's.

Is a plasma HD TV better to use than a regular plasma TV?

This depends on if you want to watch HD tv. OfCourse an HD plasma tv will be better than a regular plasma if your looking toward watching television in HD.

Are cheap plasma TVs better than lcd TVs?

"Depending on your preferences, the plasma might be a better buy for your needs. Plasma screens are known to have better viewing angles and obviously better price. The plasma screen has more of a ""cinema"" type look to it."

Where can I get the best deal on 50 inch plasma TV's?

If you want the best deal on a 50 inch plasma TV because you missed the black Friday sales, I would suggest going to Fry's Electronics. I think they still have some TVs for sale. Not at the lowest you want, but it's better than not having a TV at all.

Is a 42 inch plasma HDTV a good buy?

The best companies for 42" televisions are Samsung and Sony. Plasma televisions are cheaper than LED but more expensive than LCD.

Are LCD TV's better than Plasmas How do they compare?

I personally like LCD's better, but you may like the Plasma. The differences are pretty simple. The Plasma has pixels and no tubes to blow out, while the LCD use small crytals. This makes them use less power. I love anything that saves!

Is a mount for my plasma television better than a stand?

Yes, a mount for a plasma television is better than a stand. A stand can be knocked over and such, whereas a mounted is placed on a wall and is convenient and easy to handle.

What are some popular 32 inch plasma TVs?

There are several different brands of plasma TVs on the market to choose from. Sanyo plasma TVs are about the cheapest out there. Emerson is also another brand that is made in the USA and has a great reputation on all of there electronics. Panisonic is one brand that is more expensive with better picture quality than other brands.