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well when you hit the bongo the sound reflects in the drum to make a unique sound.

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Q: What makes bongos make its sound?
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Do Tablas look like Bongos?

Well, Those Tablas look like Bongos. But they sound different than the Bongos

How are bongos used?

you bang the drum and mKE AN SOUND

How do bongos create sound and pitch?

call 9187813539 for answers

What is the plural form of 'bongo'?

bongos. Most of the time, you add 's' or 'es' to words to make them plural. Apostrophe 's' is a possessive form. There were 20 bongos to choose from when I bought mine. My bongo's sound is excellent.

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Anything that makes a sound has a pitch. Both bongos and congas (congos aren't a thing) have the ability to alter pitch, by tightening/loosening the skin and by where and how the drum is hit.

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the amplitude of a sound wave makes sound loudness and softer.. damping makes a sound weak and amplifying makes it strong

How can you make a softer sound?

the amplitude of a sound wave makes sound loudness and softer.. damping makes a sound weak and amplifying makes it strong

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When you hit it, it makes a sound.

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