

What makes your vagina smell?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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Not washing your vagina makes it smell... I used to know a girl and she always smelled of fish because she never washed down below.

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Q: What makes your vagina smell?
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How do you get a good smelling and tasting vagina?

ive heard that if you drink a glass of pinapple juice a day it makes you healthy and smell good down there

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A smell from your vagina means you have a bacterial or fungal infection.

What does a vajina smell like?

The vagina can have many different smells to it. A healthy vagina should not have a strong smell to it. A healthy vagina should have a slightly musky odor to it, which comes from the sweat glands that surround the area.

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Does plain yogurt really work for vaginal fishy smell?

No it does not. It's a myth. If you have a yeast infection the coolness can make the itch feel better but that's it. If it smells like rotten fish you have a infection and needs meds. The normal smell of a vagina is kinda fishy and you should never douche. Douching disrupts the natural flora of the vagina and makes it easier to get infections. The vagina is selfcleaning hence the discharge.

What does I'm sweating like a blind lesbian at a fish market mean?

The smell of vagina is often related to a fishy sort of smell. Thus, a blind lesbian, only being able to smell and hear, smells a lot of vagina.

How do I get a vagina not smell like sour dough?

By washing regularly.

How do you get your vagina to smell good?

use the cherry scented tampons

What is vaginal discharge and when do you get it?

When it is cheesy in texture and look, when it is not pinkish, brownish but yellow, when it is too much that you have to use a pad instead of a pantyliner, when it makes you start itching and when it had a bad smell such as a fish smell.

Why do vaginas smell?

It smells because of bacteria naturally found in the vagina.