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it depends on the illness. if he is throwing up...give him a tablespoon of pepto. if not... you need to consult a vet.

The vet`s say do not give pepto,but you can give them Imodium AD or Kaopectate,please call your vet for the dose amounts.

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11y ago

You treat a sick dog by taking him to the vet. Be prepared to tell the vet how old the dog is, when he got his last shots, any changes in eating, drinking urinating and excreting. How long he's been acting sick, changes in his behavior (sleeping more or less, playing less) appearing to be in pain, vomiting, coughing, sneezing, blood noticed in pee or poop. Drainage from eyes or nose. If he's been around any other animals that are sick or if he's had any bites from another animal or bugs.

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8y ago

You need to take your Dog to a Vet. IF you can not afford this then there are charities that will help you.

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It is always recommended that a person take their dog in for a check up if it's sick. Your vet can then suggest medicine for your dog. This is safer for your dog.

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no. don't give your dog pain medicine for people. only give what your vet recommends.

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It matters how much, they may become a little sick or very sick

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No! They will get really sick!

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yes you need to see a vet

Can you give dog medicine?

No no no you might kill it

Will a human get sick from dog heartworm medicine?

Absolutely! It is very, very, very harmful!

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You are not supposted to put flea/ tick medicine on a puppy. If the dog is usually under 6 months to a years of age it should not be put on. It can cause the dog to get sick. If you have a small dog but is older it should not get sick and it shouldn't shake unless it has some alergic reaction to the medicine. I have a small dog and we use flea medicine on him and he is fine and never has fleas.

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A reciept when you need medicine.