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Q: What natural resources did the Mound Builders use to stay alive?
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Are there any mound builders still alive?

is gona rain!!!!!!!!!

How are natural resources important?

It helps living things to stay alive/people can use it

Why is resource recovery helpful?

With out resource recovery the world would not exist because we rely on natural resources to keep us alive!

The native environment of the iroquis consisted of?

Trees, bushes, plants, water and natural resources- any thing they could use to keep alive.

What kind of environment did the Iroquois have around them?

Trees, bushes, plants, water and natural resources- any thing they could use to keep alive

What are biotic resources?

Answer: Things that are or were alive. Answer:Biotic probably does not include resources that were alive in the very distant past (coal, petroleum oils, amber) Some resources would be hard to position (e.g methane) as it could be from present decomposition (landfills), or ancient decomp like natural gas Peat is probably biotic as it is from the reasonably distant past but still being formed today

Why doesn't unicellular organism need resources to stay alive?

It does need resources.

How do the cells in living organisms get the resources they need to stay alive?

your body

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What is the importance and role of migration to the Caribbean Islands?

They wouldn't survive without it, they have very little natural resources of their own. Immigrants are keeping their countries alive by buying property, paying taxes, using banks and spending holidays there.

When was Henry David Thoreau he alive?

Henry David Thoreau was born in 1817 and died in 1862 of tuberculosis/bronchitis. He was 44. He was not only a writer but also and abolitionist, and was interested in botany and natural resources, among other things.

Is soil alive what does that mean?

soil is not alive it is just a natural resource to keep the world green and fresh