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Your Teeth break down the food you eat and mix it with the enzymes in your saliva. Swallowing sends it through the esophagus.

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Q: What occurs in the mouth during digestion?
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Digestion is completed in?

Digestion occurs in the mouth, stomach and small intestine.

Where are 2 places where mechanical digestion occurs?

In the stomach and the mouth

Most mechanical digestion takes place where?

In the Mouth then the second is the Stomach

What is the name of the organ in the digestive system where the chemical breakdown of food primarily occurs?

Some chemical digestion of carbohydrates occurs in the mouth with salivary amylase. Most chemical digestion occurs in the duodenum of the small intestine.

Which type of digestion occurs in the mouth when an individual chews a piece of bread?

The type of digestion that chewing is referred to as is mechanical digestion.

Where does the most of the digestion occur?

Chemical digestion occurs int he stomach where acids break down the food turning it into chyme, and also happens in the mouth where saliva mixed with enzymes break food into bolus. It also occurs in the liver, when it produces bile to break down fat, and the liver also breaks down medicine, and small intestine, the small intestine is where the main chemical digestion occurs, the small intestine absorbs all the nutrients into the blood streams.

When does santorum occur in your digestion?

It does not occur during digestion. Santorum occurs inside the bowels usually.

Is a chemical digestion occur only in the small intestine is that true or false?

No, digestion begins in the mouth but also occurs in the stomach and small intestine.

The first chemical change in digestion actually occurs in the mouth with the help of the salivary glands?


Name three organs where lipid digestion occurs?

Mouth, stomach, small intestineActually, lipid digestion only occurs in the small intestine. It does not occur anywhere else in the digestive tract.The enzyme which digests lipid is lipase. There are three types of lipase; lingual, gastric, and pancreatic. lingual is found in the mouth, gastric is found in the stomach, and pancreatic is found in the pancreas. While most of this lipid is digested in the small intestine, digestion occurs in other areas as well. The previous answer is correct; digestion of lipids occurs in the mouth, stomach, and small intestine.

Which parts of the system started the digestion?

The first step in digestion occurs in the mouth where enzymes in the saliva begin to break down food ready for the stomach.

What types digestion occur in the mouth?

The body begins digestion in the mouth by breaking down food and exposing it to certain digestive enzymes. Amylase for starch digestion and lipase for fat digestion are enzymes found in human saliva. For humans, it is especially important to thoroughly chew cooked starches, such as pasta, bread, or baked potatoes, because much of our starch digestion occurs in the mouth.