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Other phases of puberty that you go through are craving sexual activity. As you go through puberty your body starts to develop. Most people know that the cause of this physical attraction are (pheromones). When it gets nicer outside you attend to do more outdoor activities. Most girls that you see will be wearing less clothes, than what they were in the winter time. So when you see them, parts of their bodies are exposed, that have not been exposed to you before. So you may notice more things about their body figure that were not noticeable before. This was cause your sexual drive to increase. But it's perfectly normal for the stages of puberty.

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15y ago

Puberty for a guy is roughly :- Hair growing under arms and around the penis, the penis and testicles growing larger, hands and feet growing larger, voice changing to a lower tone, an increase in height can be rapid, hair growing on the face and often on the chest. The brain adjusting to all this can give of confusing meanings and reactions. This is why pubescent kids get clumsy and drop things, its not deliberate. Puberty is when a child turns into an adult and so becomes interested in sex. Most will begin to masturbate regularly which helps keep the sexual interest from becoming obsessive. This puberty stage usually lasts a few years into the teenage years. This is when the teenagers become know it alls and do not listen to good advice that will help them. Arguments and anger start too. They make many wrong decisions which seems right to them. This is also the brain being confused. Most teenagers are through puberty by the age of 18 and begin to enjoy going out in the world on their own making their own decisions and finding work and having stable relationships with a partner.

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