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The sticky bulb called the stigma. A part of the female aspect of the flower.

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Q: What part of the flower receives the pollen grain from anther?
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What is the part of the flower that receives the pollen grain from the anther?

The stigma recieves the pollen grain from the anther. It then travels down the pollen tube inside the style and goes to the ovary.

The part of the flower that receives the pollen grain is called?


Where do pollen grain form?

The anther... :)

Functions of anther?

The male part of the flower has a thin stalk with an anther at its tip. The anther is made up of pollen sacs which contain pollen grains. The male reproductive cells in the pollen grains fertilize the egg and the fertilized egg develops into a young plant.

What produces pollen grains?

The anther produces pollen grain.

Function of anther in gumamela?

Petals Petals is the colorful part of the flower that can attract insects

Can a pollen grain of a flower have one lobe?

No, after a research it is not seen that a pollen grain of a flower have only one lobe. Commonly pollen grain have two or three lobes.

What is the purpose of the stigma on a flower?

In a flower carpel, the stigma is the terminal portion that has no epidermis and is fitted to receive pollen.

What is the function of pollen?

Pollen is the plants mechanism of transferring haploid (n) male genetic material (male gametophytes) from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another (cross-pollination) or from the anther of one flower to the stigma of the same flower (self-pollination).The pollen grain is hard and encapsulates the genetic materials (of one parent) with in, in very much the same way that a seed contains the genetic material of both parents.Pollen is small (sometimes microscopic), light and can travel far by wind or attached to insects (bees, moths, butterflies).In angiosperms pollen is produced in the anther of the flowers, in gymnosperms it is produced in the male cones of the plant.When the pollen grain lands on the stigma of suitable flower (very closely related species or same species) the pollen grain germinates; a pollen tube grows down the style and into the ovary (controlled by the generative and tube nucleus - which were contained in the pollen grain) of the flower, here it releases two sperm nuclei which fuse with the haploid (n) nucleus of the ovule to form a zygote.Pollen is made in the male part of the flower (anther) and is full of genetic material. When the pollen and the ova (egg) are joined the DNA from the pollen enters the ova and joins with its DNA. This is fertilisation and the fertilised ova grows into a seed. (pollen has a similar job to do for plants that sperm does for animals).

What makes seeds when combined with a flower's eggs?

This tiny grain is called pollen grain.

What does the male part of a flower do it do?

The Male part of the flower is known as the Stamen. When you press, the top part of the Stamen known as the Anther gives out small pollen grain which take part in reproduction . Thus, this is the job of the male part of the plant.

What would happen if the pollen grain from a rose flower fell on the stigma of a lemon flower?

Nothjing would happen if a pollen grain from a rose flower fell on the stigma of a lemon flower