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Albania and Bulgaria are in Balkan Peninsula; Romania is outside, on the north of Danube.

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The Balkan peninsula.

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Q: What is the southern peninsula which contains Albania Bulgaria Greece Romania and Serbia?
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What is the name of the southern peninsula which contains Albania Bulgaria Greece Romania and Yugolavia?

Italian peninsula

What is the name of the southeastern peninsula that contains Albania Bulgaria Greece and Yugoslavia?

This is the Balkan peninsula.

What is the name of the southeastern peninsula which contains Albania Bulgaria Greece and former Yugoslavia?

This is the Balkan Peninsula.

What is the name of the southeastern peninsula containing Albania Bulgaria former Yugoslavia and Greece?

This is the Balkan Peninsula.

Which region contains Greece Albania Bulgaria and turkey?

The Balkans

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the bottom of the balkan peninsula. parts of turkey Greece Albania Bulgaria libya

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Bulgaria has no frontier with Albania

What country is near Macedonia?

Albania .

What countries are located on the balkan peninsula?

Greece Macedonia Bulgaria Turkey Albania Kosovo Montenegro Serbia Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia Slovenia Romania as well as a small portion of Italy (northeastern corner)

What countries surround Macedonia?

Italy, Spain, and France.

What eight countries share the balkan peninsula today?

Croatia Serbia Bosnia Montenegro Albania Macedonia kosovo Bulgaria and Slovenia

What countries are located on a peninsula?

Andorra, Portugal and Spain are on the Iberian Peninsula. Denmark is on the Jutland Peninsula; Italy, San Marino and Vatican City are on the Italian Peninsula. Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro are on the Balkan Peninsula. Turkey is on the Anatolian Peninsula. North and South Korea share the Korean Peninsula.