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It is a rather high percentage, since both English and Spanish have a great amount of words derived from Latin and Greek. Spanish has a large Moorish influence, and English has quite a mixed bag of celtic, German, and Scandanavian influences, so the languages are quite divergent in many ways.

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Q: What percent of spanish words are cognates?
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Is Spanish easier to learn than German and why?

It depends on your background and the languages you already know. For English speakers, Spanish may be easier due to its similarity in vocabulary and grammar. However, some learners find German simpler because of its logical grammar rules. Ultimately, it varies from person to person.

How do you write finally in spanish?

You can write "finalmente". Many English words ending in "ly" have Spanish "cognates" ending in "mente".

What is the meaning in English of cognatos?

There is no direct translation of "cognatos" from Spanish to English. However, if you meant "cognates" instead, it refers to words in different languages that have a common etymological origin and similar meanings.

How do you use cognate in a sentence?

The English word "brave" is a cognate of the Spanish word "valiente" because they share a similar origin.

How do you say visual in spanish?

This is one of those "cognates", or words that are the same or similar in both languages. "Visual" in Spanish is pronounced bees- oo-AHL.

Words in spanish that come from English?

Cognates are words that look the same and usually mean the same in English and spanish.

What is a sentence for cognate?

In Spanish and English there are common cognates.

Why is spanish so easy for you to learn?

Spanish is a phonetic language, so its is spelled the way it sounds. Also, if you already know English, there are plenty of cognates (words that sound the same).

How do you say sorbet in Spanish?

Sorbete is the Spanish word for "sorbet".Note: That the spellings for both languages are very similar. This is very common for Spanish/English words, and they are called "cognates".

What are some spanish cognates starting with z?

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What do cognates help you do?

Cognates help speakers identify similarities and connections between different languages. They can assist in understanding the relationships between languages and aid in language learning and translation.