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As of 2012, about 955 million people speak Mandarin Chinese, which is about 14% of the world's population.

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Q: What percent of the world speaks mandarin?
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What percentage speaks English in the world?

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What is the official language in wuhan china?

All over China the official language is Mandarin.

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Hu Jintao, the former President of China, is known to speak Chinese. It is likely that he also speaks a basic level of English, as it is a common second language for Chinese politicians.

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Chinese Americans constitute 1.2% of the United States population (including those with partial Chinese ancestry), therefore I would predict that less than 1% of the American population speaks Mandarin.

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The top five most spoken languages in the world are English, Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, and French. These languages are widely used across different countries and regions, making them prime languages in terms of global communication.

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100 percent. Everybody's manner of speaking is his/her accent.

What is Brandon soo hoo ethnicity?

He is Chinese and speaks Cantonese and Mandarin.

Is Taiwan mandarin the same as china mandarin?

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she speaks mandarin hebrew chineses japanese and taiwan

How many percent of water in mandarin?

Approximately 88%.

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MIKA speaks French, English, Italian and some Arabic and Mandarin Chinese.

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