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they interpret fear or Stockholm Syndrome or Traumatic Bonding or guilt as "love." It isn't any of those.

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Q: What percent of women stay in abusive relationships because of love?
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Related questions

Percent of women hurt in abusive relationships?

50 percent

Is there a chat room for women in abusive relationships?

See links for resources for battered and abused women.

How do abusive relationships make women feel?

Abusive relationships make women feel insecure, alone, afraid, and devalued. They can also make a woman feel hopeless, helpless and sad. Other feelings can be angry, outraged and suicidal. Abused woman should seek help for the abuse they have suffered.

Will a verbal abusive woman continue to abuse in each relationship?

Generally a verbally abusive woman has control issues and she will carry them into most relationships. However, there are a few women that are verbally abusive to one or more men, but may meet a man that she is not verbally abusive to as they are better suited for each other.

How many women get out of abusive relationships?

You can find some statistics. There are no true stats on this because many women never report abuse. They are extremely fearful in most cases and the laws have taken a long while to protect women from abuse. If you or anyone you know is in an abusive relationship, head for the closest "Abused Women's Center" in your area, and if you can't find it in your phone book, then phone "Mental Health" and they will put you into the right direction.

Are there cultural differences in women who stay in abusive relationships?

yes.. look into the domestic violence literature on something like PSYCHINFO through a library

Who is more abusive women or Men?

Men, because they are stronger than a women when they are a adult. It would depend on what you mean by abusive, as women can be more abusive verbally, which could result in a man getting physical. Cases where women are physically abusive, don't tend to be reported, as it is embarrassing for a man, also many believe they wouldn't be taken seriously.

What are the possible reasons a woman would seek out a relationship where she is being controlled and why would she view that as love?

Usually women do this because it is all they know. Many women will pick partners that are abusive because they've had abusive fathers, etc.

Why aren't all women lesbian?

because she did not have any sexual relationships with women

What percent of Islam are women?

There is no answer to that because they never count the number or percent

Is an emotionally abusive man abusive to all women or just to his girlfriend or wife?

If a man is abusing his girlfriend and or wife, then he will more than likely be abusive to all women. It is a mind frame, women to him = abuse. This is not true in all cases but in most of them.

Why are men abusive and insecure and yet women are not?

This is a generalisation, and a highly incorrect one at that. Women can be, are just as abusive and insecure as men. Many men are not abusive and are quite secure with themselves - the opposite is in fact a minority.