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Q: What percent women that binge and purge?
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Related questions

What is the name of the binge and purge disorder?


Why do girls binge and purge to lose weight?

Bulimic behavior exists from two distinct phases, the binge and the purge. This behavior is typical for individuals with severe self image problems and needs to treated by professionals as it is a potential life threatening psychological disorder.

What do Binge and Purge occur in?

Bingeing and Purging are part of the cycle of Bulimia, a common eating disorder.

Where was Metallica's performance taken-live?

Live Sh*t: Binge & Purge CD - Mexico City Live Sh*t: Binge & Purge DVD/VHS - Seattle (Damaged Justice Tour) San Diego (Wherever we may Roam Tour)

What is it called if you are both anorexic and bulimic?

For a proper name some call it 'anorexia binge-purge subtype'.

Causes why people get binge eating?

It is mainly young women who binge eat (Bulemia), but there are a few young men who can do the same thing. The media in general is the cause for brain-washing especially young women that 'thin is in' and they should be a number 10. With some people this puts pressure on the individual. They are hungry so they eat as much as they want and then within minutes after a meal will purge (vomit) what they have eaten. It is a way of having what they want without gaining any weight. It is dangerous and a psychological problem and there is help out there for those that have Bulemia. If the individual continues to purge then eventually their stomach will continue to purge out of control.

Can you purge 100 of the food you binge on?

Yes, people can purge almost 100% of the foods that they have binged on. This is very dangerous as the body needs nutrients to survive. A person can die of this is not treated.

Will clutch ever play binge and purge live?

nope, too many people go nuts when they play it.

What most people with binge disorders do?

People with binge disorders will eat thousands of calories at once, but will not purge the food. If someone did the exact same thing but vomited it up, then that person would be considered bulimic.

What percent of kenyans binge drink?

0.2% (2009)

How many women have binge eating disorder?

Eleventy billion women

As soon as food toches your lips you binge even when not hungry then purge but you cant bring it all up so discusted you starve then it happens again and now its been 2months. cant stop and overweight?

Binge Eating is quite similar to bulimia, however, it differs from bulimia because its sufferers do not purge their bodies of excess food. They will eat large quantities of food, and do not stop until they are uncomfortably full. Most people with binge eating disorder are obese and have a history of weight fluctuation. Recent research shows that binge eating disorder occurs in about 30 percent of people participating in medically supervised weight control programs.Although Binge Eating does not attract the kind of attention that Anorexia and Bulimia do, it is still apparent that those who binge can cause tremendous amount of damage to their bodies. Furthermore binge eating is a reflection of a deeper imbalance within the sufferer, which may be indicative of a basic breakdown of body and food relationship that if not dealt with can develop from binge eating to other more deadly eating disorders.