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The percentage of Americans that have a dog is between 34-47 percent. This means that there are over 70 million dogs owned in the United States.

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Q: What percentage of Americans have a dog?
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What percentage of a dogs body is made of water?

60% of a dog weight is water.

Where did the name Ghost Dog or Ghost Eye in America come from?

Native Americans called them that. They considered these dogs to be sacred and anyone traveling with a "ghost eye" dog was allowed safe passage through their territory.

What is the percentage of different breeds in tibetain spanel?

Did you mean Tibetan Spaniel? I don't get what you mean, but the Tibetan Spaniel is a dog breed.

What percentage of dog breeds play fetch?

Almost all dogs, regardless of breed, can be trained to fetch and retrieve. There are approximately 449 different (pure) dog breeds, and only several were breed with the intended purpose of retrieving.

What is the deadliest dog?

According to the Center for Disease Control, the top 10 most dangerous dogs are:1. Dachshunds2. Chihuahuas3. Jack Russell Terrier4. Chow Chows5. Australian Cattle Dogs6. Cocker Spaniels7.German Shepherds8. St. Bernards9.Great Danes10. bull mastiffAdditional Information:Because there is no way to know how many dogs of any given breed exist, there is no way to know what breed of dog has a higher likelihood to bite. Though statistics may show that a particular breed is responsible for a larger percentage of all recorded dog bites, it can not be said that that particular breed of dog is statistically more likely to bite than any other breed of dog. Without knowing the full population of dog breed x, you can not know what percentage of dog breed x has been involved in a bite incident. If a particular breed of dog is highly popular, it is likely that breed of dog will make up a larger percentage of total dog bites, but it does not indicate a higher likelihood that an individual from that breed will bite, only that the breed of dog is more popular.