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72% in adults

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Q: What percentage of human is made up of water?
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Related questions

What percentage of a human brain consists water?

It is currently believed that the brain is made up of 77-78% water.

What percentage of the human body is made up of water?

55% women 60% men Less if fat

What is the water percentage is in human body?

Water usually makes up 55% to 78% of the human body

What is the percentage of water in human body?

The average adult human body is composed of about 60% water. This percentage can vary slightly depending on age, gender, and body composition. Water is essential for many bodily functions, including temperature regulation, digestion, and nutrient transportation.

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What percentage of your eyeballs are salt?

The eyeball is mostly made up of water and other materials. One fun fact about the human eye is that it is made up of 3 1/2 percent salt.

What percentage of water is a watermelon made up of?


How much water is a human made up of?

65% water

What percentage of the body's blood is made up by water?


How is water in an infants body weight?

Human bodies are made up of about 57% water. With a baby (where the bones are not yet calcified and the muscles are not yet developed), the percentage of water is even higher at 75% by weight.

What percentage does water make up of the body weight?

About 40 liters of water are in the human body which, is about 57 percent of an average human's weight. Newborn babies can be about 75 percent, although it gradually decreases throughtout life. Most of the declining occurs in the first ten years of life.

What percentage of feces is made up of water?

The amount of water on the earth is 70% exact.