

What percentage of people in Sweden speak Saami?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What percentage of people in Sweden speak Saami?
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Swedish is the official language of Sweden.

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What percentage of the people of Sweden speak Swedish?

99.99999999 and nines forever There will always be people that not speak swedish in sweden, turists, foreigner, immigrants, etc Experts guess is that swedish is understood apx 13-14 million people around the world

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In Sweden we only have one official language, Swedish. There are a lot of variants of the language though, people in the north can sometimes hardly understand people in the north because of the difference in accent, but it is stilll Swedish. In northern Sweden we have like original inhabitants, think they are called Lapp in English, and they talk a language called Sapmi.

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The population of Sweden is 9 000 000 people they speak Swedish but most Swedes are good at English.

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Yes, because most people in Sweden speak English, but it helps to be able to form complete sentences.Work someplace that doesn't require communication. xthere are many people in Sweden who speak English and try to find an areathat has a need for English speaking, or try to learn swedish as you go.David G

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The percentage of people in the world who speak more than one language is about 60-75%.

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far below 1 percent.