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Q: What philosophical movement was developed by a group of philosophers known as the Vienna Circle?
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Which philosophical movement was developed by a group of philosophers known as the Vienna Circle?

Logical positivism

What do you mean by clockwise moment and anticlockwise moment?

The meaning of clockwise movement is movement in the same direction of the hands of a clock, or in a circle from left to right. Anticlockwise movement is movement in a circle from right to left.

Who was Carl jung's mentor?

Carl Jung's mentor was Sigmund Freud. Jung initially admired Freud's work and was a part of his inner circle in the early days of the psychoanalytic movement. However, they had philosophical differences that eventually led to a split in their professional relationship.

What is radial movement?

Picture the center of a circle. The distance from it to the edge of the circle is the radius. The fixed distance from the center to the edge of any part of the circle is radial movement. So radial movement is the circular distance an object can move from a fixed point.

Who developed the number of degrees in a circle?


What is rotary movment?

a movement that rotates in a circle

Why is the orthocenter of a circle?

That is either a deeply philosophical question or there is a part of the question missing. In either case, I doubt you will get an answer here.

The movement or mobility in a pin curl is determined by the?


Movement aound some point in the circle?

it spins on its axis

Is rotary a motion?

rotary motion is movement that goes in a circle

Who made the circle?

Circles were drawn by ancient peoples before writing was developed. No one "invented" or "made" the circle from that perspective.

Which people developed the idea of splitting a circle into 360 parts?
