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Q: What primary germ layer gives rise to the lining of the intestine?
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The reflective layer in the lining of the eye is called the tapetum lucidum.

Which tissue lines the small intestine?

The small intestine is lined by simple columnar epithelium, which is NONCILIATED, which means it does not have Cilia on its surface. Instead it has Villis and Microvillis which help to absorb digested food

About the small intestine?

Small IntestineThe small intestine (also known as the small bowel) is the longest portion of the digestive tract - it is more than 6 meters long and is located within the middle of the abdomen. It has three sections, the duodenum, jejunum and ileum (more information provided below).Much of the small intestine is coiled and suspended in a thin layer of fat - which gives the intestine a lot of flexibility and mobility.What does it do?Digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates contained in the foods you consume, is completed within the small intestine.The resulting nutrients produced are absorbed through the lining of the small intestine and transferred to the bloodstream.

Which layer of small intestine are covered with villi?

Sub mucosa

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What does the endoderm form?

Endoderm: (most internal germ layer) gives rise to the lining of the digestive tract and the organs derived from it, such as the liver and lungs of vertebrates.Mesoderm: (middle germ layer) forms muscle, the skeletal system, and the circulatory system.Ectoderm: (most exterior germ layer) gives rise to the outer covering and, in some phyla, to the central nervous system.

Which layer of skin is the primary site of mitosis?

basal layer.

What is tunica intima?

The tunica interna, is a thin layer only a few cells thick of a vein and artery, made up of connective tissue and elastic fibers. It is sometimes referred to as the intima membrane. It is this layer that gives smoothness to the lining of the vessel, enhancing blood flow.

First layer of tissue in small intestine?

Columnar epithelial cells.

What is the outer layer of a hot dog?

Small intestine of sheep or goat.

Describe the appearance of the stomach lining?

there is a layer of mucus to protect from stomach acids

Why doesn't the chemical eat away stomach lining?

The chemical doesn't eat away the stomach lining because our stomach lining is surrounded by a thick layer of mucus that can resist the chemical in the stomach.