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Q: Which layer of embryonic tissue forms the lining of the digestive tract?
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What connective tissue forms the larynx and the coastal cartilages of the ribs and embryonic skeleton?

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What tissue forms the?

During embryonic development, the stomach (like the bulk of the rest of the gastrointestinal system) forms from endoderm, the innermost layer of the three major germ layers.

What does endoderm turn into?

Tripoblastic animals have three germ layers ectoderm endoderm mesoderm ectoderm- forms the brain and nervous system, epidermis and associated structures (skin, hair, nails) endoderm- forms embryonic gut, inner lining of the digestive tract, inner lining of the respiratory tract and glands including the liver and pancreas mesoderm- forms the notochord, and somites which includes muscle, outer covering of internal organs, excretory system and gonands, as well as mesenchyme (loose migratory cells) like the dermis (inner skin layer) the circulatory system (heart and blood vessels) and bones and cartilage Happy studying :D