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Epithelial tissue (simple squamous epithelium) forms the inner lining of blood vessels

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Q: What type of tissue forms thew inner lining of blood vessels?
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Simple epithelial tissues have no blood vessels and line or cover structures.

Which tissue forms a continuous sheet of cells with no blood cells?

Simple epithelial tissues have no blood vessels and line or cover structures.

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What are Heart Tissue?

The heart is a muscle, and as such has multiple tissues. The main tissue is cardiac muscle cells. These are striated, branched muscle cells held together with intercalated discs. Connective tissue forms a sac around the heart, and epithelial tissue forms blood vessels within the heart. Therefore, the heart contains all four types of tissue. It is mostly muscle tissue. Connective tissue forms a protective sac and holds the heart together, epithelial tissue forms the blood vessels, and nervous tissue carries impulses to and away from the heart. this is all true! ~Trenasian was here!

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Where can you find simple squamous epithelium?

The skin of amphibians is made of that kind of epithelium, but mostly, they are found in capillaries (circulatory system) and alveoli (lung), they are needed where it is necessary to have rapid exchange by diffusion.