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Q: What programs were used to help the country out of the great depression?
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How was Atlanta was poorly prepared for the Great Depression?

There were only a few programs to help the unemployed.

During the 1930s the new deal legislation was proposed by president Franklin Roosevelt to bring the united states out of the great depression?

Yes, President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, proposed in 1933, was a series of programs that were intended to help the country recover from the devastation created by the Great Depression. It included things such as jobs programs and emergency relief programs.

Intervention by the federal government to stop the Great Depression?

It was called "The depression Intervention" because it was like a Intervention to the founding father's, who were in it, and they waned to try an solve the depression to help their nation and to have happiness in their/are nation!

How did Franklin D. Roosevelt affect Georgia during the Great Depression?

Franklin made New Deal programs to boost Georgia up from the Great Depression, and each program does different things to help Georgia. I'm happy to help :)

The New Deal was a set of programs and laws designed to help the American people and economy recover from which event?

Great depression

Was Franklin D Rooselevt successful during the Great Depression?

Franklin D. Roosevelt had created the New Deal programs to help the United States come out of there Great Depression, they helped somewhat, but it was really World War Two that brought us out of the Great Depression.

What programs offer help on how to beat depression?

A number of programs are available to help to beat depression. These include the 'The Depression Cure' a six step program by Dr. S. Ilardi and 'The Depression Workbook' which as a ten step program. These programs are bought in book form but online programs are also available such as Alexandra Massey's 'The Beat Depression Program'.

Who had programs he was ready to try to get passed right after he was inaugurated?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt had a lot of programs he wanted passed quickly after his inauguration because he was trying to help stop the Great Depression.

Do you owe thanks to Eleanor Roosevelt?

yes she did help end the great depression by going country to country report to her husband how it was back in america

Did Roosevelt help or hurt the Great Depression?

i think he tried to help the great depression by forming a whole bunch of agentsies and everything

What were some major events in George Bush's presidency?

The invasion of IraqWar on TerrorEnacted multiple economic programs to help the worst economy since the Great Depression

What did the Australian government do to help the unemployed during the Great Depression?

The government set up camps during the Great Depression to help the unemployed.