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Only Odysseus will survive and return home and his crew will alos survive but the first person didnt write that for some reason. Hope i could help!!

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Q: What prophecy of Teiresias and Circe does Odysseus withhold from his men?
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What is circe's last prophecy to Odysseus?

Circe's and Teiresias' last prophecy to Odysseus is that he alone will survive the journey. They also warn him against harming the sacred cattle of Helios, which ultimately causes the death of his men.

What is the prophecy of Teiresias and Circe?

If Odysseus or his crew should harm the cattle of Helios, his ship and his men will be doomed. If they do not do this, they may yet reach Ithaca.

Why does Odysseus enter hades?

To speak to Teiresias, as Circe advised.

What is is Circe's last prophecy to Odysseus?

only Odysseus will survive

What does Circe insist that Odysseus do before returning home?

Circe insists that Odysseus go to the underworld to consult with the blind Theban prophet Teiresias.

Where does Circe send Odysseus for a prophecy?


What did Teiresias and Circe tell Odysseus about Helios' cattle?

Not to kill them, which Odysseus warns his men not do to - and which they do anyway to their doom.

Who does Circe tell Odysseus he must visit and speak with the blind prophet Teiresias.?

with his son

What happened between Circe and Odysseus?

Circe is the witch-goddess that Odysseus and his crew meet after leaving the Cyclops Polyphemus's island. Odysseus sends a party of 23 men to search Aeaea (the name of the island and Circe's home). Circe invited them into her home and gave them food, but they all behaved like pigs, so that's exactly what Circe turns them into. Eurylochus, one of the men, does not eat, and he runs back to Odysseus to tell him. When Odysseus leaves, he meets Hermes, the messenger god who gives him a plant to protect him from the magic of Circe. being unable to defeat Odysseus, frees his men, but persuades Odysseus to stay with her. after the seasons pass though, Odysseus asks her to help him and his men go home. Circe tells him to seek out the blind prophet Teiresias in the land of the dead for a prophecy about his journey.

Who did Odysseus meet after he talked to Teiresias in the land of the dead?

Immediately after, Odysseus talked to his dead mother, Anticlea.After leaving the land of the dead, Odysseus goes back and talks to Circe.

What did Circe and Teiresias both warn Odysseus to do?

Circe warned Odysseus to avoid the island of Thrinacia where the cattle of the sun god Helios grazed, as harming the cattle would bring destruction to his crew. Teiresias warned Odysseus not to harm the cattle and advised him to make amends to Poseidon after returning home to Ithaca.

Who or where does circe tell odysseus he must visit and speak with the blind prophet teiresias?

The journey to the underworld of Hades to speak to the dead Theban prophet Teiresias is a command given to Odysseus by the enchantress Circe. Circe, who was initally hostile to Odysseus and his men (she changed them into pigs on their first meeting) has become a good host. She has been Odysseus' lover, and hosted him and his crew on her island for a year. But the crew and Odysseus now desire to go home. When Odysseus tells her that it is time to leave, she replies: "Zeus-sprung son of Laertes, Odysseus of many devices, do not stay any longer against your will in my palace. Yet you first must accomplish a different journey and go down into the palace of Hades and Persephone, honored and dreaded, seeking prophetic advice of the Theban Teiresias' spirit, that the blind prophet in whom is a mind still fresh in its vigor"