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Q: Where does Circe send Odysseus for a prophecy?
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What is is Circe's last prophecy to Odysseus?

only Odysseus will survive

Where does circe send odysseus when he leaves her home?

circe sends odysseus to the underworld

What is circe's last prophecy to Odysseus?

Circe's and Teiresias' last prophecy to Odysseus is that he alone will survive the journey. They also warn him against harming the sacred cattle of Helios, which ultimately causes the death of his men.

Where does circe send Odysseus when he leaves her island?


Where does circe send Odysseus when he leaves her house?

To the land of death

Where does Circe send Odysseus?

She sends him to the land of the dead to talk with Tireasais

What did Circe turn Odysseus' men into?

Circe turned Odysseus' men Into swine.

Does circe give Odysseus a compass?

There is no mention of a compass in Circe's gifts to Odysseus.

What happened between Circe and Odysseus?

Circe is the witch-goddess that Odysseus and his crew meet after leaving the Cyclops Polyphemus's island. Odysseus sends a party of 23 men to search Aeaea (the name of the island and Circe's home). Circe invited them into her home and gave them food, but they all behaved like pigs, so that's exactly what Circe turns them into. Eurylochus, one of the men, does not eat, and he runs back to Odysseus to tell him. When Odysseus leaves, he meets Hermes, the messenger god who gives him a plant to protect him from the magic of Circe. being unable to defeat Odysseus, frees his men, but persuades Odysseus to stay with her. after the seasons pass though, Odysseus asks her to help him and his men go home. Circe tells him to seek out the blind prophet Teiresias in the land of the dead for a prophecy about his journey.

Who was the god who warned Odysseus about circe's magic?

Hermes warned Odysseus about Circe's magic.

How did Circe treat Odysseus and his men at first?

Circe turns Odysseus' men into swine.

What is Circe doing when Odysseus first sees her?

Circe was opening the door of her estate for Odysseus.