

What protects emperor penguins from the cold?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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A thick layer of fat.

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Q: What protects emperor penguins from the cold?
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Related questions

Why do emperor penguins like the cold?

because it is their habitat conditions

How do emperor penguins adapt to the cold?

They Have Thick Fur Which Keep ALL Penguins No Matter What Kind Or Age

Why the emperor penguins and their chicks huddle together?

Because they get cold and shiver.

Why don't emperor penguins have predators during nesting season?

emperor penguins don't nest. they don't have any twigs or pebbles. they live in the icey cold

Were do emperor penguins find their food?

they swin in the cold sea and eat the fish

What are the penguins names that live in Antarctica?

No animal lives in Antarctica: it's too cold and there is no food chain. Penguins are sea birds that visit Antarctica's beaches to breed, and include Adelie and Emperor penguins.

Why did emperor penguins get their name?

Emperor penguins are the largest of all penguins.

What the Emperor penguins special needs?

The Emperor penguins are the largest penguins and have the special need to fatten up before breeding season or a moult, they can eat up to triple the usual daily food intake. Because of the extreme cold, the penguins have adapted to survive.

What are the Emperor penguins learned behaviors?

the main learned behavior of a pengiun is when baby penguins learn how to swim in the warm or cold water.

Are emperor penguins dangerous?

Emperor penguins are not dangerous to humans.

Do Emperor Penguins Have nicknames?

emperor penguins doesn't really have nicknames there just called a emperor penguins or just a penguin. :)

Why does climate change effect emperor penguins cycle?

not cold enough for them and their food supply is compromised