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Q: What push factor caused people to leave their home countries?
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What factors cause people to leave farming?

One factor that might cause people to leave farming is the inability to make a profit. Another factor that might cause people to leave farming might be insolvency through a natural disaster.

What caused immigrants to leave their home countries?

To Much Demanding by their rulers which causes them to leave their home countries to come to America and have better lifes and different chances for different jobs , homes etc. ! :)

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What caused people to leave the Massachusetts Bay Colony is that church leaders or ministers did not take ideas from their own. Some were forced out of Massachusetts.

Who caused many people to leave the Catholic Church?

Martin luther

Why did people leave their homes and countries?

so they can have a new life

Why did people leave their home countries?

so they can have a new life

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he caused the pope to leave Brittan

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because people wants a better life for them and their children

What is a push push factor?

reasons people would leave a place

What caused some people to leave their home towns and head into the wildness?

cuz they seen your mommas face

What happened in Ireland that forced millions of Irish to immigrants to the u.s.?

During the the second half of the 1840s there was a famine in Ireland, which caused lots of people to leave Ireland, with many of those going to the USA. Since that time other things have caused people to go at different times, mainly economic problems resulting in people finding it hard to get jobs in Ireland.During the the second half of the 1840s there was a famine in Ireland, which caused lots of people to leave Ireland, with many of those going to the USA. Since that time other things have caused people to go at different times, mainly economic problems resulting in people finding it hard to get jobs in Ireland.During the the second half of the 1840s there was a famine in Ireland, which caused lots of people to leave Ireland, with many of those going to the USA. Since that time other things have caused people to go at different times, mainly economic problems resulting in people finding it hard to get jobs in Ireland.During the the second half of the 1840s there was a famine in Ireland, which caused lots of people to leave Ireland, with many of those going to the USA. Since that time other things have caused people to go at different times, mainly economic problems resulting in people finding it hard to get jobs in Ireland.During the the second half of the 1840s there was a famine in Ireland, which caused lots of people to leave Ireland, with many of those going to the USA. Since that time other things have caused people to go at different times, mainly economic problems resulting in people finding it hard to get jobs in Ireland.During the the second half of the 1840s there was a famine in Ireland, which caused lots of people to leave Ireland, with many of those going to the USA. Since that time other things have caused people to go at different times, mainly economic problems resulting in people finding it hard to get jobs in Ireland.During the the second half of the 1840s there was a famine in Ireland, which caused lots of people to leave Ireland, with many of those going to the USA. Since that time other things have caused people to go at different times, mainly economic problems resulting in people finding it hard to get jobs in Ireland.During the the second half of the 1840s there was a famine in Ireland, which caused lots of people to leave Ireland, with many of those going to the USA. Since that time other things have caused people to go at different times, mainly economic problems resulting in people finding it hard to get jobs in Ireland.During the the second half of the 1840s there was a famine in Ireland, which caused lots of people to leave Ireland, with many of those going to the USA. Since that time other things have caused people to go at different times, mainly economic problems resulting in people finding it hard to get jobs in Ireland.During the the second half of the 1840s there was a famine in Ireland, which caused lots of people to leave Ireland, with many of those going to the USA. Since that time other things have caused people to go at different times, mainly economic problems resulting in people finding it hard to get jobs in Ireland.During the the second half of the 1840s there was a famine in Ireland, which caused lots of people to leave Ireland, with many of those going to the USA. Since that time other things have caused people to go at different times, mainly economic problems resulting in people finding it hard to get jobs in Ireland.