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Q: What reading strategy is she using?
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Which reading strategy allows you to figure out something confusing by reading the information surrounding it?

Using context clues.

Mark just finished reading a long newspaper article. He says to himself The main point of the article is that people should use less energy. Which reading strategy is Mark using?

Mark is using summarization as a reading strategy by identifying and condensing the main idea of the newspaper article into a brief statement.

Tom is reading a long story and forgets about one of the characters He goes back and looks for the part of the book that introduces that character What reading strategy is Tom using?

Tom is using the reading strategy of rereading. By going back to find the introduction of the character he forgot, Tom is attempting to refresh his memory and gain a better understanding of the story.

What type of active reading strategy are you using when you come up with pictures in your head that help describe the text?

making mental images

Jim is reading and gets confused He goes back to the last page that he understood Then he reads the text again Which reading strategy is Jim using?

Monitoring and applying fix-up stratagies

Dan is reading a history of the American Revolution. As he reads he imagines the American and British soldiers fighting in the cold winter weather. Which reading strategy is Dan using?

Making mental images

Dan is reading a history of the American Revolution As he reads he imagines the American and British soldiers fighting in the cold winter weather Which reading strategy is Dan using?

Making mental images

What is the first step in using the word structure strategy?

Readers can use many approaches to work out the definition of words that they do not know when reading text. The first step when using the word structure strategy is, does the word have a prefix or suffix you recognize and know the meaning of.

The Quad-Entry diary is a strategy?


Steps in a productive reading strategy?

A productive reading strategy is PQ4R. PQ4R is an acronym which stands for Preview, Question, Recite, and Review. This strategy is designed to help a reader with challenges understanding or remembering what he has read.

Which reading strategy includes reading ahead to see if a word is explained by other information?

The reading strategy that involves reading ahead to see if a word is explained by other information is called contextual analysis. This approach involves using the surrounding text to infer the meaning of an unfamiliar word. By looking at the context in which the word appears, readers can often deduce its meaning without needing to consult a dictionary.

Emily is reading a long article At the end she restates the writer's main point in her own words This is an example of what reading strategy?

Emily is using the reading strategy of summarizing. Summarizing involves condensing the main ideas or points of a text into a shorter version while still capturing the key information. It helps readers to understand and remember the main point of what they have read.