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I believe they are both FDA approved?

Exactly what i said. That is the relationship between them. Who ever asked the question needs to clarify it because apparently the only general relationship is that they are both sold in the stores and in pharmacies and they are both FDA approved.

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Q: What relationship does over the counter medicine and prescription have?
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What is the Over the counter medicines?

Medicine that does not need a prescription.

How do purchasing over-the-counter medicine and prescription differ?

Over the counter are drugs that can be obtainedley any without a doctors Prescription medicine can be legally purchased only when older by a doctor.

What is the definition of over-the-counter medicines?

Medicine that does not need a prescription.

Where to get Viagra?

Viagra is not a over the counter medicine. It can be purchased from pharmacies with a valid prescription of modern medicine doctor only.

What is the over-the-counter drug?

An over-the-counter drug is one that is available without a prescription.

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You cannot buy over the counter medicine for gastric sleeve bypass, I am afraid. However, you can get a prescription from your local doctor's office facility.

What was the cause of Gerald levert death?

A combination of prescription drugs and over the counter medicine. He also had pnemonia.

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If you mean the sleeping pills 'Zopiclone' then no - it's a prescription-only medicine.

Can you use my credit card to buy medicines at Mercury Drugstore?

You can use your credit card to buy medicine at Mercury Drugstore. This is true for over the counter medicine and prescription medicine.

Can you get Adderall over the counter?

No, Adderall is a C-II narcotic medicine; you must have a prescription.

Is over the counter is a collective noun?

No, the term 'over the counter' is not a noun at all.The term 'over the counter' is a compound adjective, a word used to describe a noun.The adjective 'over the counter' is used to describe medicine that can be purchased without a prescription or stocks not transacted through an organized securities exchange.

How do you put the words over-the-counter prescription medicine and analgesics into a sentence?

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