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A comet orbiting the sun will always have it's tail pointing away from the sun.

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14y ago

The asteroid belt orbits the Sun

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Q: What relationship does the asteroid belt and the sun have?
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What is the revolution of the asteroid belt around the sun?

how long does it take the asteroid belt to revolve around the sun?

What is the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter called?

The main asteroid belt is actually called the asteroid belt - pretty dull really.

Is Jupiter one of the inner or outer of the asteroid belt?

Jupiter orbits the sun outside the asteroid belt.

What is the distance of the asteroid belt?

The asteroid belt is located 300-600x106km (or 2-4AU) away from the sun.

Most asteroids orbit the sun in the?

Actually there are an place of Asteroids. Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars ASTEROID Belt. So why I capitalized the word ASTEROID on ASTEROID Belt. Because this Belt is full of Asteroids

Where is mercury located at on the asteroid belt?

Mercury is not a part of the asteroid belt. The asteroid belt is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Mercury is far closer to the sun.

How far are mars and the asteroid belt?

Mars is located 227.9x106km (or 1.52AU) from the sun, and the asteroid belt is located 300-600x106km (or 2-4AU) from the sun.

Are any of the planets on a asteroid belt?

No, the asteroid belt orbits the Sun somewhere beyond Mars, but not as far as Jupiter.

What orbits sun in a belt between mars and Jupiter?

The asteroid belt

Is the earth inside or outside the asteroid belt?

From the sun it goes Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, ASTEROID belt, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto (although no longer classed as a planet). So the earth is inside the orbit of the asteroid belt.

Is Uranus inside or outside the asteroid belt?

The asteroid belt is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. As such, the outer planets (or Jovian planets) can be said to be outside the asteroid belt. That is, they are located beyond the belt and are therefore further away from the sun than the belt.

Is Mars located inside or outside of the Asteroid Belt?

It is not inside of the Asteroid Belt in the sense of being part of it. In terms of the order of orbits from the Sun, Mars is inside the orbit of the Asteroid Belt and Jupiter's orbit is outside the orbit of the Asteroid Belt.