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Profit Profit

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Q: What remains after all business expenses have been deducted from sales revenue?
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What is the importance of revenue to a business?

revenue is what pays the expenses of running the business and hopefully you can even make enough revenue above expenses to make a profit

What is the term used to describe the difference between revenue and expenses?

Revenue is the amount of money a business/person makes as a whole. Expenses are things that a business/person has to pay for with their revenue such as utilities that a business uses. What's left over from the revenue after the expenses are paid for is profit.

What is Preliminary Expenses?

All the expenses which a business incurred from start of business to actual start of operations of revenue generating activity of business is called preliminary expenses.

What is revenue expenses report?

It is a listing of all revenue/expenses incurred by the business during a set period. It shows areas of growth and areas that are lagging within the business.

What is Cost of revenue what is operating expenses?

The cost of revenue is the cost to produce a product. Operating expenses are expenses that have to be paid in order to stay in business like rent, utilities, etc.

Difference between net income and revenue?

Revenue is all the money a business brings in. Net income is revenue minus all the expenses of the business. Net income is profit.

Net income formula?

Net income represents the amount of money remaining after all operating expenses, interest, taxes and preferred stock dividends have been deducted from a company's total revenue. The formula is Total Revenue - Total Expenses = Net Income.

Does revenue generally mean after expenses or before expenses?

Revenue is before expenses or other costs of doing business. Revenue may be goods or services sold, or rent income , subscription income, interest income, or many other forms of income.

Is income revenue?

Gross income could be considered revenue. In business, revenue is received payments. Profit is revenue less expenses and cost of goods sold, if applicable.

What is reported revenue?

It is a listing of all revenue/expenses incurred by the business during a set period. It shows areas of growth and areas that are lagging within the business.

What is the purpose of a corporate bank account?

The purpose of a corporate bank account is for a business to have a place for their revenue and expenses. It helps keep their business and personal expenses separate.

What is difference between expenses and losses?

A business (company or individual) earns money - called earning or revenue. To earn this, the entity incurs expenses - such as material, salaries, telecom costs. When you subtract the expenses from the revenue, the result is called 'profit', if it is positive, and 'loss', if negative. So the difference is - expenses are the costs incurred by a business, and loss is the difference between earnings and expenses, (if expenses are more than revenues).