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Type your answer here... you can find zumba fitness DVD's in Walmart target and much much more

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Q: What retail stores sell zumba fitness DVD's?
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Related questions

What stores do they sell zumba fitness video's?

You cannot get Zumba videos but you can get Zumba fitness dvds and kits. Walmart sells them, as do Tesco.

What stores sell ZUMBA fitness DVDs and kits?


What are some titles of popular Zumba DVDs?

Some popular Zumba DVDs are: Party Essentials, Exhillerate Fitness, Exhilartate Basic Kit, Deluxe Kit plus Target Zone, Zumba Basic, Zumba Ultimate DVD Kit, to name a few.

What is the best zumba DVD to buy?

As of May 16, 2014, Exhilarate is one of the best Zumba DVDs to buy. I can be found in many stores and online.

What is one fitness activity you can do on a rainy day?

You could:If you have Wii Fit you could do jogging or stepping games on the board.Choreograph your own dance routine, no matter how ridiculous it is!Get out old fitness DVDs and join in with them. If not, a good alternative is to YouTube fitness and zumba DVDs and join in with them.Have fun1

Where can you find a zumba CD?

The official Zumba website is an obligated carrier of this DVDs, but there are also several stores which are selling them. These retailers include WalMart, Amazon, and Bed Bath & Beyond.

Do any retail adult stores not online have girls gone wild dvds?

You can get all of those dvds from their website.

Where can I get dance workout DVDs?

You may buy them online from DVD stores or you may be able to find them in local DVD stores. Some fitness stores may also carry the workout DVDs if they are popular.

Can children play zumba on xbox?

yes we can. there are even zumba classes for kids....most kids love to play zumba on kinect or use the dvds

What stores have new releases of DVDs?

Mass-market retail stores like Target, Best Buy, Wal-Mart and K-Mart have new releases of DVDs. Additionally, many grocery stores now carry new release DVDs.

Where can cardio dvds be bought?

You can buy cardio workout DVD's at any retail store that has a fitness/health section. There are a variety of workout DVD's that can be beneficial to you.

Are there any recommendable Fitness DVDs for dance?

There's always good Fitness DVDs made by different celebrities that have put on weight and then lost it. I'm sure these kind of Fitness DVDs would benefit you.