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he made the cotton gin whitch led to the cotton boom

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Q: What role did Eli Whitney play in th the cotton boom?
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What role did the cotton gin play in the expansion of agriculture in the US?

It made picking and separating cotton from it's fibers faster for people. Invented by Eli Whitney, it also served as a base as a model for other gins. By the way, " gin " is short for " engine ". Sorry, I'm only 11 and i did a project on it.

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What invention led to an increase in the production of cotton and helped Southern farms become more productive?

The invention that led to an increase in cotton production and helped Southern farms become more productive was the cotton gin. Invented by Eli Whitney in 1793, the cotton gin revolutionized the cotton industry by automating the process of separating cotton seeds from the fibers, significantly increasing production and making cotton farming more profitable. This invention played a crucial role in the expansion of slavery and the growth of the Southern economy during the 19th century.

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the role of cotton in making artificial fibres, it makes the fibre more flexible and smooth. Water absorbent.

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she is know for being the best singer ever!