

Eli Whitney

Eli Whitney was an American inventor, mechanical engineer, and manufacturer. He is best remembered for inventing the cotton gin, an automated machine that separates the cottonseed from the short-staple cotton fiber.

746 Questions

What invention by Eli Whitney separated the cotton seed from the fiber?

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Eli Whitney is credited with inventing the cotton gin in 1793, which separated cotton seeds from the fiber at a faster rate than by hand. This invention revolutionized the cotton industry, making cotton production more efficient and profitable.

What can you put into a box that makes it lighter?

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A hole can be put into a box to make it lighter. By removing material from the box, its overall weight will decrease.

What do you put in a box that makes it lighter?

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Holes or spaces can be added to a box to make it lighter without changing its physical contents. This reduces the overall weight of the box without altering the items inside.

What can you put in a box to make a lighter?

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You can put a small piece of flint and steel inside a box to create a spark for lighting a fire. Alternatively, you can place a lighter or matches inside a box to provide a convenient way to light objects.

What can you put in a wooden box that makes it lighter?

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You can put a hole in the wooden box to make it lighter by reducing the amount of material in it.

What can you put in a wooden box that will make it lighter?

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You can put a hole in the wooden box to make it lighter. By removing some material from the box, you will reduce its weight.

What is the fabric of the universe made of?

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The fabric of the universe is primarily made of dark energy, dark matter, and normal matter. These components interact with each other through fundamental forces like gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. Scientists are still studying the properties and interactions of these components to better understand the nature of the universe.

Where did Eli Whitney invent the light bulb?

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Eli Whitney did not invent the light bulb. The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison in 1879. Eli Whitney is known for inventing the cotton gin in 1794.

What kind of personality did Eli Whitney have?

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Eli Whitney was known to be innovative, determined, and hardworking. He was a skilled inventor and entrepreneur who excelled at problem-solving and creating new technologies. Whitney's persistence and dedication to his work contributed to his success in developing the cotton gin and revolutionizing manufacturing processes in the United States.

What impact did Eli WHITNEY's parents have on their thinking?

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Eli Whitney's parents, who were devout Puritans and emphasized hard work and education, instilled in him values of discipline, determination, and a strong work ethic. These values likely influenced his innovative thinking and problem-solving skills, leading to his invention of the cotton gin.

Was philos Blake and Eli Whitney Blake Eli whitneys nephews?

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No, Philos Blake and Eli Whitney Blake were not nephews of Eli Whitney. They were not directly related to him. Philos Blake was an American inventor and Fabreline judge, while Eli Whitney Blake was known for his invention of the Blake rock crusher.

What did Juliek whisper to Elie?

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Juliek whispered to Elie, "Don't be afraid. Keep your faith and play your violin." This brief but powerful message of hope and resilience resonated with Elie during their time in the concentration camp.

What is the impact of the interchangeable parts on society?

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The introduction of interchangeable parts revolutionized manufacturing by improving efficiency and allowing for mass production. This led to lower costs, increased productivity, and the standardization of products, which ultimately contributed to the growth of industries and economies worldwide.

What are interchangeable acts?

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Interchangeable acts are activities that can be substituted for one another in fulfilling a specific purpose or function. For example, if a recipe calls for butter but you use margarine instead, these two ingredients are interchangeable since they serve the same purpose in the recipe.

How did Eli Whitney change things socially?

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Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin in 1793 revolutionized the Southern economy by making cotton production more efficient. This led to an increase in demand for slave labor to cultivate more cotton, thereby deepening the institution of slavery in the United States. Whitney's invention also spurred industrialization and urbanization in the North as demand for textiles increased.

What was Eli Whitney's rEligion?

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Eli Whitney's religion was not well-documented, but he was raised in a devout Unitarian household. Unitarians typically hold diverse beliefs, and Whitney's personal religious affiliation remains unclear.

What retrieval code do you use when inquiring an interchangeable NSN?

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When inquiring about an interchangeable NSN, you typically use the SMIC code (Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability (SMR) Management Information/Control) to search for similar or identical items that can be used interchangeably. This code helps identify alternative parts or products that can serve the same function as the original NSN.

Who did Elie see burning in the pit?

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Elie witnessed babies and young children burning in the pit during the Holocaust. The sight of children being brutally murdered haunted him throughout his life and played a significant role in shaping his outlook on humanity and the world.

How old did Eli the priest live?

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Eli the priest lived to be 98 years old according to the Bible (1 Samuel 4:15-18).

What did elie see being thrown into the flaming pit?

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Elie witnessed babies and children being thrown into the flaming pit at the concentration camp. This horrific sight left a lasting impact on him and served as a stark reminder of the cruelty of the Holocaust.

Did Eli die at the end of book of Eli?

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Yes, Eli dies at the end of the movie "The Book of Eli." He sacrifices himself to protect the book he has been carrying, ensuring it ends up in safe hands to preserve its valuable contents.

What bible passage does Eli says in the bar before he fights in the movie The book of Eli?

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Eli recites from Psalm 23:1-6 before fighting in the movie "The Book of Eli." He specifically says, "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." This passage reflects the theme of faith, strength, and protection that Eli carries throughout the film.

Was Eli blind?

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Yes, according to the Bible, Eli the priest went blind in his old age.

How many kids did henrietta Muir Edwards have?

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Henrietta Muir Edwards had three children.

Who were Eli Whitney's children?

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Eli Whitney had four children with his wife Henrietta Edwards: Eli Whitney Jr., Frances Edwards Whitney, Susan Edwards Whitney, and Matilda Edwards Whitney.