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Niels Bohr proposed the existence of seven distinct energy levels or electron orbits. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922.

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sir Rutherford give a theory which is known as Rutherford theory which tells that every electron revolves in a particular orbit he named them k l m n

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Niels Bohr

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This scientist was Niels Bohr.

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Niels Bohr

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Neils Bohr

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Niels Bohr

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Q: Who first suggested that the electrons orbited the nucleus in fixed energy levels?
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Who sugessted thatthe electrons orbited the nucleus in fixed energy levels?

Niels Bohr first suggested that electrons orbited the nucleus in fixed energy levels.

When do electrons have their greatest energy?

In general, electrons further from the nucleus will have more energy than electrons closer to the nucleus.

When did Niels Bohr made a model of the atom?

Neil's Bohr developed his model of the atom in 1931 as a student of Rutherford. This model suggested that electrons orbited in concentric circles around the nucleus at discrete energy levels.

What is the location of electrons protons and neutrons?

Electrons -- in energy levels outside the nucleus. Protons in the nucleus. Neutrons in the nucleus.

How are electrons arranged in the atom?

Electrons are arranged around the atomic nucleus forming the electron clouds.

Describe where the electrons are in an atom where they have the lowest energy and where they have the highest energy.?

electrons are outside the nucleus of an atom they have the highest energy very near to the nucleus and as they are getting far the energy is decreasing

What is the positioning of electrons around the nucleus of an atom increasing in energy further from the nucleus?

energy configuration

Which electrons orbiting the nucleus will have the lowest energy?

The one closest to the nucleus.

Is the outermost electron shell the highest or the lowest energy level shell?

No, the farthest electrons are at the highest energy level.No, the farthest electrons are at the highest energy level.No, the farthest electrons are at the highest energy level.No, the farthest electrons are at the highest energy level.

What electrons in an atom have the most energy and which ones have the least?

electrons are outside the nucleus of an atom they have the highest energy very near to the nucleus and as they are getting far the energy is decreasing

Which has more potential energy an electron close to an atomic nucleus or one far from an atomic nucleus?

An electron far from an atomic nucleus has more potential energy compared to one close to the nucleus. This is because the farther the electron is from the nucleus, the higher its potential energy due to the increased distance from the attraction of the positively charged nucleus.

Electrons farther from the nucleus are said to be of what energy?

higher energy