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In general, electrons further from the nucleus will have more energy than electrons closer to the nucleus.

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Q: When do electrons have their greatest energy?
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How does the energy of the core electrons compare with the energy of valence electrons?

The energy of the valence electrons is greater than the energy of the core electrons.

How does the energy of core electrons compare with the energy of valence electrons?

The energy of the valence electrons is greater than the energy of the core electrons.

What electron has the greatest binding energy?

The atoms in the valance shell. The atoms furthest from the nucleus. ( ' highest ' )

How many valence electrons does a neutral Be atom have?

It depends on the atom.Atoms may have up to three energy levels, or layers of electrons, although some elements, such as helium, have only one. If an atom has one energy level, its valence electrons may total up to only two. If it has two or three energy levels, It may have up to eight total valence electrons. An atom is neutral when it has the greatest possible number of electrons.

Which electrons have the most energy in an energy?

The valence electrons

How does the energy of core electrons compare with energy of valence electrons?

The energy is higher.

How does the energy of core electrons compare with that of valence electrons?

The energy of the valence electrons is greater then the energy of the core electrons.APEX

How does the energy core electrons compare with the energy of valence electrons?

The energy is higher.

How does energy of core electrons compare with the energy of valence electrons?

The energy is higher.

Compare the outermost electrons of an atom with the inner electrons of an atom in terms of energy.?

Outermost have more energy than innermost. As electrons move inward, they release energy.

What are the energy levels of an atom occupied by?

that depends on the number of electrons the more electrons the more energy

In which energy levels do the electrons have more energy?

In any atom, the electrons that have the most energy are the outermost, because the greater energy an electron has, the greater its velocity, and when anything has greater velocity, it has a greater momentum and a greater orbit. Think of a planet orbiting the sun. If the planet were faster, it would start to have greater inertia and be affected by the sun's gravity less, causing the orbital radius to increase. The case is similar with electrons. Since energy gives electrons a higher velocity, they start to orbit farther away from the nucleus. Therefore, the electrons in the outermost energy level or orbital always have the greatest energy and are less stable because of it.