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If you're still around to read this , you should go to the ER. At least call your MD, (who will tell you the same thing)It could just be angina (chest pain) of it could be a full on heart attack. Bottom line you won't know until they run an EKG and check your cardia enzymes...JUST GO.


To add to the above: The conditions describe a try medical emergency that may be life threatening. The best immediate action is to call 911. The ambulance comes with trained personnel that can and do act as an extension of the hospital ER. They have on board access to the same equipment,drugs and procedures that you would receive upon initial arrival at the hospital, and the training to know when and how to use them all. Early administration of treatment with the conditions described could be the difference between life and death.

A pulse pressure of 16 with a rate of 44 is much more than simple angina and requires immediate analysis and intervention. Although it is possible that there is no cardiac issue, I would seriously doubt it in this case.

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Q: What should you do if you feel tightness in your chest and irregular heartbeat and shortness of breath and your blood pressure was 78 over 62 and your pulse was 44?
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