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It's OK to be afraid. Courage is not about never being afraid, it's about doing what's right regardless of your fear. If you absolutely have to have the tooth taken out, you should. Options: 1) bring a friend to hold your hand; 2) ask for anesthesia; 3) try hypnosis before you go; 4) pray.

Don't be afraid it's only going to hurt for the first 2 days then after that you'll be good as new!

just use some c4, shud get it out in a jiffy plus it wont even hurt

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Q: What should you do if you have a tooth in the roof of your mouth and are scared to have it removed?
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How should you pull out my tooth if I'am scared?

Know that the tooth is coming out for a good reason and that leaving it in will cause worse problems for you.

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Is it normal for there to be an odor coming from where tooth was removed?

It is very normal. Just keep cleaning and rinsing your mouth per Doctors orders

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Must you have your wisdom tooth removed?

Normally, there is not enough room in your mouth for the wisdom teeth to come in. If you've lost some back teeth for one reason or another, the wisdon tooth can come in with no problem.

Where is tooth?

in your mouth

Is the fang the sharpest tooth in a snakes mouth?

Yes the fang is the most sharpest tooth in a snakes mouth

Does trauma to a tooth result in tooth loss?

If a tooth is knocked out, you should push it back into its socket as soon as possible. It depends on the nature of the trauma, the intensity of the trauma and the type of damage that is done. If a tooth is fractured , it does not mean that it has to be removed. IF A tooth becomes discolored soon it need not be removed. If it becomes loose it need not necessarily be lost. HAVING SAID that , it should also be noted that the best remedial measures too need not meet with success in retaining a traumatised tooth,

What is part of a tooth?

your mouth

What should you do with a dead tooth?

If it's sitting there in your mouth, then get it taken out because that can cause infection, bad breath, etc. Not to mention if it starts to noticeably rot, you're going to have a rotten tooth in you're mouth and that's pretty much disgusting.

What is the shortest tooth in the mouth?
