

What should you do if your bowel movement is purple?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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You ate something in the past day or so that has an indigestible should pass. If not, call your doctor.

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Q: What should you do if your bowel movement is purple?
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Once a day.

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Vaginal bleeding after a bowel movement is potentially very serious. You should see a doctor as soon as possible to determine the cause.

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Where does the human bowel movement come from?

The human bowel movement typically begins in the intestines. The bowel movement then moves through the colon and finally out of the sphincter.

Can you be pregnant and have a bowel movement?

Hmm yes you can be pregnant and have a bowel movement but if you really wanted to ask if you can have a bowel movement while giving birth that answer is yes as well.

Frequent bowel movement?

Frequent bowel movement is a condition that happens when you have diarrhea,irritable bowel disease or lactose intolerance

How many days without a bowel movement means a person is constipated?

Bowel habits vary, but an adult who has not had a bowel movement in three days or a child who has not had a bowel movement in four days is considered constipated.

How can you have a bowel movement without pain?

There should not be pain with bowel elimination. Some people may have hemorrhoids that cause discomfort, but it should not be painful. If it is, then you should consult a health care professional.

What causes cramping stomach vomiting when having a bowel movement?

Symptoms of a cramping stomach and vomiting when having a bowel movement should be addressed by a physician. This may be a stomach virus or it may have a more serious meaning and should be evaluated.

What is the bowel moment?

bowel MOVEMENT is when you take a dump!

What if i have a dark stringy bowel movement?

A dark stringy bowel movement may be a result of a stomach virus or food that one has eaten. If this persists, a doctor should check this out to be sure there is not a more serious problem.

Can consuming red wine cause bowel movement to change color to purple?

i suppose, if there has been nothing else in the system. Always check with your doctor though.