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I cannot answer this question definitively - every person is different. But I can tell you about my experience. When my doctor told me that there was no hope I began to get my business in order. First I called my pastor and had a great conscience-cleansing discussion; planned my funeral Mass, music and selected readings.

That having been taken care of, I located the original copy of my will, a copy of my house deed and organized my finances. I will be survived by one adult daughter who is unmarried. So I closed old accounts, moved sums from less productive accounts to existing accounts that had better performance and added her name to all of my accounts, savings, checking, investments, etc. Then I checked all of my insurance policies, and 401K to be sure they all listed my daughter as beneficiary. I also signed up to start receiving my pension payments (even though I'm still 6 years away from retirement) because they told me that if I die before the pension begins making payments there will be nothing for my child to inherit. If, however, I am drawing a monthly payment from the pension plan at the time of my death, my beneficiaries continue to receive payments monthly. Then we sat down and discussed what to do with it all.

My daughter and I discussed our preferences for burial vs cremation, wake or no wake and basically I'm leaving those decisions in my daughter's hands as those things are really intended to comfort the living (I won't really care now will I?).

I've been visiting with old friends and sharing my experience, whatever wisdom I've accrued, and love as much as I can. No one can predict the exact date or time, but I am resting comfortably knowing that I've done what I could to make it all easier on my loved ones.

S.S: I just have one thing to add. THAT WAS SO SAD! And calming for some reason.
You repent, pray, & Ask God for forgiveness'. If possible tell your loved ones what you want them to know, Werther its I love you or a confession.

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10y ago
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11y ago

Well, do everything in life that you would never or have not done. For instance, sky diving, Scuba diving, etc.


Do what you can with what you have, where you are. That is, stick to the things that are important to you. A bucket list is fine, but really you cannot live ahead of yourself. Leave others with good memories and tell the important ones how much they meant to you and that you love them. Take some time to arrange your affairs (account numbers, contacts and beneficiaries), and to plan a memorial service. It isn't really about you, but it provides the ones you left behind with a community of people who knew you. Medically, do what you must to be comfortable and as aware as you can be.

Answer:Try to make your peace with God and with people: confess your sins, ask for forgiveness. This is the last opportunity to do so.
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14y ago

Your muscles will release (which also includes a release of your bowels). Eventually, rigor mortis will set in. Ultimately, you will decompose over time, as tissue breaks down.

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14y ago

In a way, we are - all of us - dying. What do you do if you think you're not living?

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