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The foods that you should abstain from (avoid) during Lent are all meats (eg. red meats, white meats and fish) and all dairy products (eg. cheese, eggs, milk). This applies to healthy persons. Persons who are elderly or sick are allowed to relax the Fasting rules, or not to follow them at all, depending on their person circumstances. Generally, a spiritual father would provide advice on what rules apply to individuals. All fruits, nuts and vegetables etc are permissible.

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Q: What should you eat during Fasting for Lent in Eastern Orthodoxy?
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What should you do if you have a fasting Muslim friend?

Be nice to him and avoid eating or drinking in front of him during the fasting period

What do people do instead of fasting during Ramadan?

All Muslims must fast during the month of Ramadan, unless you're not Muslim you should be fasting.

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The Oriental Church broke away from the Eastern Orthodox Church during the 4th Ecumenical Council in Chalcedon. They differ from the Orthodox Church in that they are Monophysites, meaning they believe Christ only has one Nature which is divine and not two natures divine and human like the rest of Christendom.

What do you practice during lent?

Roman Catholic AnswerTraditionally, the practices during Lent should be Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving.

Why alcohol should not take in fasting?

One should not take alchohol during fasting. That is what my fasting coach says. Alcohol will be converted to simple carbohydrate and burn as sugar. It will also dehydrate you even more if you are restricting liquids as well. And it will play havoc with lab tests .

Are you allowed to swim during fasting in Islam?

Of course, you are allowed to swim during fasting in Ramadan or any other day. However, you should be sure not to swallow or o get into your mouth any water during swimming, otherwise, your fasting is no longer valid.

What is the role of women during Ramadan fasting?

There is no special role for women during Ramadan fasting. Muslim woman role in Ramadan fasting is the same as that for the Muslim man. Her role as woman or wife during the month of Ramadan should be the same as woman and/or wife role out of Ramadan month. The only exception is that she should break fasting during the menstruation (period) and to compensate for these not fasted days after end of Ramadan but before the next year Ramadan. Also, if she is pregnant or feeding her child and can't fast from health point of view, then she is entitled to break fasting and compensate for these days as soon as convenient to her. Refer to question below for more information.

How do you feel better after fasting?

you should drink a lot after fasting

What foods should you eat if you are fasting for 40 days and 40 nights?

If you are fasting, you do not eat.

Can you take tablets during fasting in Ramadan?

No, if you are fasting, then you cannot take tablets because your fast will break. However, if you are required to take tablets, then it is not obligatory for you to fast. When you do not have to take tablets anymore, then you will have to make up for that fast on another day or days.For more details:Fasting in Ramadan requires that you refrain from eating, drinking, smoking, or practicing sex during the fasting period. The fasting period is the daytime period from just before dawn until sunset. Accordingly, if you are fasting you are not allowed to take tablets during the fasting period.However, you have to ask the physician, who is prescribing the medical treatment, to arrange tablet taking hours to be within the non-fasting period (that is the evening time from just after sunset until just before dawn). If this is not possible, then you are allowed not to fast for the days you should take the tablets. Then you should compensate for these non-fasting days by fasting equal number of days as soon as possible after recovery. If taking tablets is for lifetime medical treatment, then for each non-fasting Ramadan day you have to give charity to the poor or needy people equivalent to the cost of your normal meals of one full day.

What can not you do when fasting?

When fasting, you cannot eat any solid foods. Most people fasting only drink. Broth, tea and vitamin water are three things you should consume while fasting.

Can a person drink water during intermittent fasting?

One should drink the water you need to stay hydrated, always. Urination is one of the methods the body excretes toxins, fat, and ketones from fasting. Not excreting them can be toxic in high levels.