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Such as a case like this one, I would say that there are a few areas of medicine that can deal with a problem like this one. Sports Medicine or Physical Therapy are areas of medicine that can determine the cause of your muscle pain. If these areas of medicine don't improve the problem, then I would suggest you see a Neurologist, which can determine a problem within the brain or central nervous system.

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Q: What specialty of medicine treats muscle pain?
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If you mean Cyclobenzaprine, (Flexeril), it is a muscle relaxant.

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No, flexeril is a muscle relaxant. The drug name is cyclobenzaprine. Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain medicine. You can safely take a pain reliever and a muscle relaxant together. They work together to help reduce your discomfort.

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Where can I find tips on how to relieve muscle pain online?

If taking a hot bath or stretching doesn't work here are some natural remedies for relieving muscle pain:

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You could possibly have a pulled muscle if pain continues call doctor for pain medicine.

Term meaning muscle pain?

Myalgia is the same as muscle pain. Myalgia is the medical term for muscle pain.