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All electromagnetic radiation travels at the same speed in a vacuum; it is labelled c.

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Q: What speed in a vacuum ultraviolet or infrared?
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What is the speed of a x-ray?

The speed of X-ray in vacuum is the same as the speed of radio, microwave, light, heat, infrared, and ultraviolet: 299,792,458 meters (186,282 miles) per second.

In a vacuum the speed of ultraviolet radiation is faster than the speed of light?


What travels faster ultraviolet waves or infrared waves in space?

They both travel at the same speed, the speed of light

How many times greater is the speed of infrared light than the speed of violet light in vacuum wavelength of the violet light is around 400nm and wavelength of infrared is 800nm?

It isn't. The velocity of both is the same at about 2.998x108m/s. A change in wavelength is associated with a change in frequency not velocity. The frequency of Ultraviolet light is about 750 PHz (Peta Hertz) while that of infrared half that at 375PHz.

Which has the higher frequencies ultraviolet or infrared?


What moves faster an x ray or a microwave?

All electromagnetic waves move at the same speed, at least in vacuum. X-rays and microwaves ... as well as radio, infrared, ultraviolet, heat, and visible light ... are all electromagnetic waves, and travel at the same speed.

What is similar about infrared and ultraviolet?

Both infrared and ultraviolet are kinds of electromagnetic radiation, as is the visible light.

How does the speed of infrared radiation compare with the speed of x rays when both speeds are measured in a vacuum?

They are the same.

Higher frequencies ultraviolet waves or infrared waves?

Ultraviolet is higher frequency, then visible light, then infrared.

Where is visible light along the EM spectrum?

Right between infrared and ultraviolet. It has higher frequencies than infrared; lower frequencies than ultraviolet.

What term is used to describe the collection that includes gamma rays x-rays ultraviolet light visible light infrared radiation and radio waves?

All travel at the same speed through a vacuum

What is the opposite of ultraviolet?
