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A procedure is started by calling the function that represents that procedure. The function call must include any and all required arguments.

The procedure ends whenever a return statement is encountered anywhere within the function body, or execution falls off the end of the function (assuming no return value is expected from the procedure), or a non-return function is invoked by the function (such as the abort() function) or an unhandled exception is thrown by the function. Apart from a non-returning function call, execution always returns to the calling code (the caller). If an unhandled exception is thrown by a function, the call stack automatically "unwinds" until a suitable exception handler is found. If no handler is found on the call stack, the global main function will unwind, terminating the program with an unhandled exception error. Hence the reason all non-trivial programs should provide a "catch-all" exception handler in the global main function.

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Q: What statements indicate the start and end of a procedure?
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