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The individual with two of the same allele is "homozygous" for a trait.

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13y ago

An organism in which the two copies of the gene are identical - that is, have the same allele - is called homozygous for that gene.

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Q: What term describes an individual with two copies of the same allele?
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What is a fact for homozygous?

an individual containing 2 copies of the same allele for a particular trait located at similar positions on paired chromosomes

What is when an individual has two copies of a dominant allele?

The person is considered to be heterozygous dominant. Heterozygous refers to having to of the same allele (AA or AA). dominant means AA not AA

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What is homozygous in biology?

individuals who are homozygous carry two copies of the same allele, if u know what i'm talking about.

What term define alleles that are alike?

An allele can have two or more variants of a gene that have the same position on the homologous chromosome. The alleles are responsible for alternative characteristics. Two copies of the same allele are called homozygous.

An individual who is homozygous is what?

It is a genetic similarity between two organisms.

If you have two copies of the same allele are considered to be for that traits whereas if you have two different alleles you are considered to be for that trait?

homozygous, heterozygous

What is another word for homozygous?

Having two copies of the same allele. An organism as such can be called homozygote Answer: It is also called a purebreed.

Does a dominant allele mask a ressessive allele?

In diploid organisms (those with two copies of each gene carried on separate chromosomes), one of the copies of a given gene may differ from the other copy of the same gene on the twin chromosome. In some cases one version of the gene (the dominant allele) has the effect of 'masking' the activity of the other (the recessive allele); that is, the presence of the dominant allele negates the effect of the recessive allele on the organism's phenotype. There are many mechanisms which can cause this phenomena, and it depends on the particular genes involved, but a simple model is one where the recessive allele is a biochemically inactive version of the dominant allele. In this case the dominant allele would mask the effect of the recessive allele by providing an active version of the gene. The dominant phenotype would be the one which shows the downstream effects of this activity, and the recessive phenotype one which shows the downstream effects of a lack of activity. The dominant allele is said to 'mask' the recessive allele because only one copy is required to result in an elimination of the recessive phenotype, whereas all copies of the gene must be the recessive allele to result in the recessive phenotype.