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If you are seriously thinking about this, First, ask yourself why? Second, even though you may be experiencing a horrible time in your life at the moment or however long you have, think about your loved ones or your family members. They may or may not show that they love you or tell you otherwise. When really they all do. I mean, bad things happen but it eventually blows over and gets better. I recommend that you talk to someone about it. Someone you can trust, and who can keep you thinking positive. And lastly, you may have thoughts thinking whats the point of living, or I have no purpose here anyway. Well everyone has a purpose whether you guys realize it or not. Just try and stay positive. Just keep saying to yourself,"Everything's going to be okay.." That's what I do. What I do to stay positive is talk with my wonderful spouse. Or if you are into music, try and listen to some positive music that will make you feel better. Or take a jog outside or something to distract my negative thoughts and sadness. Just don't give up on yourself, and try to get help. My quote I made up is," Positive Vibes, is what keeping me and the world alive."

Think about all the things in the future you may miss. You could miss a chance to meet a celebrity you like, read a book that inspires you, find that you have a talent. This may sound stupid but it's true. Just think.

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Q: What to do if you are considering suicide?
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Get them help.

Is Adolph Hitler a fail?

Considering Germany was defeated and he committed suicide, it seems like it.

To be or not to Hamlet considering suicide?

Yes. To exist or not to exist is basically what he is asking himself in that statement.

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That's not their job. They are there to talk to you about your problem and why you might be considering suicide. Possibly help you see that there are alternatives or solutions you may not have looked at.

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According to the American Medical Association physician assisted suicide (PAS).

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Every person is different. However, most people considering suicide will exhibit a depressed mood, become withdrawn (distant from loved ones), and/ or talk about death or suicide frequently. They may give away their possessions, or make comments such as "no one would miss me if I were gone." If you have serious reason to believe someone you know is considering suicide, you should most likely talk to them directly, and ask them if they have been feeling this way.

What was Hamlet trying to figure out when he said to be or not to be?

Hamlet is considering to commit suicide or not to commit suicide (to be or not to be, respectively). Then he makes a long speech of how death is very lonesome and it is dark. His final decision is to not commit suicide and go along with his plan to take down Claudius.

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PostSecret is a project that is aimed to help people confess their secrets anonymously. It also is oriented with the suicide hotline and hopes to help people suffering from depression who are considering suicide.

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Contact a responsible adult immediately. She needs to be watched and given help if she is considering suicide. Suicide is no joke and should always be taken seriously.

Resources for Suicide Help?

If you or a loved one feels an overwhelming sense of despair and are considering suicide to end the feelings of pain and despondence, it is important to get immediately medical attention. Individuals considering suicide may display warning signs and a knowledgeable, experienced counselor can intervene in the situation. Consider getting help from school counselors, your primary care doctor, local mental health center or telephone hotline to prevent a tragic situation.

Are there any Japanese websites that will offer counseling to people considering suicide?

Yes, but they are limited to those trying to learn Japanese. Try

Is it right to kill to get yourself killed?

No, killing and suicide are wrong. If you are considering, I would advise a close friend or a therapist to help you with any trouble.