

Best Answer

Boot them to the curb! Find yourself someone better...better job, better looking, better acting and better all the way around.

The best revenge is to lead a successful life. When you appear with someone better, they will "eat their heart out." Act as though they did you a favor by cheating on you because you are now available to live a better life with someone else who can make you happy and with whom you can trust.

You could also enroll in classes, take up a new hobby or simply live your life alone for awhile...this is probably the best option. Just remember to "appear" to be doing GREAT! It won't take long before you really are doing great and this will be a distant memory and he will wish he never hurt you.

Don't ever take a cheater back! They will definitely cheat again and again.

Good Luck!

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Q: What to do to cheats that cheat in a relationship?
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