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Your first job should have allowed you to take FMLA leave. That is the Family Medical Leave Act. A job cannot force you to quit just because your child is ill. If you are filling out an application, and it asks why you left your previous job, you put "son/daughter was in hospital" or "son/daughter was ill" or whatever the situation was. It is the truth, and it doesn't reflect badly on your ability to do a particular job. Now, if you put as a reason for leaving as "attendance" it does make you look like you were incapable of doing your job. Exactly that. You will be suprised how any employers have kids with problems, most of them will be very understanding if they do not then you might consider not to work for them at all. I have been in that situation myself and I have alway's told the truth and still got another much better and more flexible job. You may not actually be eligible for FMLA unless you have been at your current employer for a least a year and as a full time employee. You are allowed to take off work under FMLA but with the understanding that you are required to use sick or annual leave and are required to present a statement from the physician that you must accompany the child, husband, sister,or mother to the appointments or provide primary caregiving. Check the federal policy for additional information. I would suggest two possible answers, one being that you left to pursue a family matter and two, that you left to spend time with your family. Both are honest answers and if you are invited to an interview, you can share that you had a sick child but that the matter is now resolved and/or that you have a plan in place if it occurs again.

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You simply explain that you couldn't afford daycare and your husband/boyfriend/support system/other makes the majority of the money and it only made since for you to have been the one to take the voluntary leave.

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Q: What to put on an application if i quit my job to stay home with my child?
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